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Custom forms let you add more questions to your Review Widget and review request emails to collect more insights about your customers. Judge.me provides you with different question types and templates so you can customize a form that satisfies your needs.


Custom form question types

Single choice

judge.me single choice custom question

Multiple choice

judge.me multiple choice custom question

Rating scale

judge.me rating scale custom question


judge.me text custom question


judge.me slider custom question

Custom form templates

There are 4 templates available: Net Promoter Score, Shop Net Promoter Score, Demographic Questions, and Useful Example Question.

Net Promoter Score Template

This template is useful when you want to ask if your customers are willing to recommend your products to their friends and family.

judge.me net promoter score custom form

Shop Net Promoter Score

This template is useful when you want to ask if your customers are willing to recommend your stores to their friends and family.

judge.me shop net promoter score custom form

Demographic Questions Template

This template includes questions about ages, gender, location, employment, etc., which helps you learn more about your customers to launch more targeted campaigns.

judge.me demographics custom form

Useful Questions Template

This template includes useful questions on different aspects such as how your customers are experiencing the products and what they expect more from you.

judge.me useful questions custom form