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Available for Shopify users

Judge.me medals showcase the quality and quantity of your reviews. Such medals are strong indicators that help your customers "judge" the trustworthiness of your store and make better buying decisions. These medals are displayed on your store listing on Judge.me review site, and you can also add them to the footer of your online store. 


  1. Judge.me Medals
  2. How to add Judge.me medals to your Shopify store

How it looks

We have 6 different medals:

  1. Transparency: You will receive the Transparency medals if you publish at least 80% of the total verified reviews you receive.
  2. Authenticity: You will receive the Authenticity medals if at least 80% of the reviews you publish are verified reviews.
  3. Top Shops: The Top Shops medal ranks your store according to the total number of published verified reviews you receive compared to all other stores on Judge.me.
  4. Top Trending Shops: The Top Trending Shops medal ranks your store according to the total number of published verified reviews you receive compared to all other stores on Judge.me in the last 30 days.
  5. Monthly Records: You will receive the Monthly Record medals if you obtain at least 10 verified reviews in one month.
  6. Cumulative Verified Reviews: You will receive the Verified Reviews medals if you obtain at least 20 reviews.

Learn more about the detailed criteria of each medal.

How to add Judge.me medals to your Shopify store

  • From Judge.me home, go to Settings > Other Widgets > Judge.me Medals.
  • Turn on the I need assisted installation option, then our team will install the Judge.me Medals above the footer of your store. 

  • You can display the "Verified by Judge.me" text on the left or on the right, as well as switch to the monochromatic version and choose a color that fit your store branding.

If you are using a theme in Online Store 2.0, you can install the Medals in Shopify's theme editor.

Example of medal widgets on the Homepage:


If you have upgraded to Widget 3.0, you can also add the medals to your widgets.

  • If the medals are displayed on the Review Widget of a product, it will reflect the reviews of that specific product.
  • If the medals are displayed on the All Reviews Page and Floating Reviews Tab, they will reflect the total reviews of your stores.