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Some typical topics Google usually brings up in a manual feed review:

  1. Why is the 5-star rating pre-selected in your review form?
  2. How do you differentiate between verified and non-verified buyers? 
  3. Your feed has too few negative reviews.
  4. The latest review included in the feed is too old.
  5. Unsupported reviewer name
  6. Invalid product_url
  7. Invalid review_url

1. Why is the 5-star rating pre-selected in your review form?

In the email, Google usually states something like this:

When writing a review for a product, 5 stars are already marked. So, the rating is already set to 5 stars, even before a consumer writes a review. It is our best practice to not preset the ratings on a website.

In this case, you can turn off the 5-star pre-selection in your review form in Settings > Review Widget > Widget Form > Widget Form Preset Rating. 

2. How do you differentiate between verified and non-verified buyers? 

Google will say that:

I can see that anyone can write a review on the website. Could you please provide an insight over how you differentiate between verified reviewers (buyers) and non-verified reviewers?

According to Google's Product Ratings program policies, you have to "submit reviews that were honestly solicited from customers who made a purchase". 

You may want to limit the ability of non-buyers to leave a review by enabling the web reviews restriction here in Settings > Review Widget > Review Curation > Web Reviews.

3. Your feed has too few negative reviews.

Google won't accept a review feed that contains only 4-star and 5-star reviews. This might sound unfair but sadly, that's the rule. Please consider publishing some negative reviews or please let Google know if you haven't received any. 

4. The latest review included in the feed is too old.

Please note that the reviews feed should include up-to-date reviews. For example, if you submit the reviews feed in October, you would need at least some reviews from October or late September.

5. Unsupported reviewer name

The Google Shopping agent may say that:

It appears that you're submitting unsupported names in <reviewers><name>. Unsupported name values include full names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information.

Please note that Google won't accept a review that has full name, email address, phone number, and other personal information as the reviewer's name.

You can change how the reviewer name displays in the review feed in Settings > Advanced > Google Product Review Feed > Review Feed Advanced Settings.

6. Invalid product_url

Some product URLs in the review feed are inaccessible and show a 404 Page Not Found error.

This is mostly caused by reviews for out-of-store products, which you can remove from the reviews feed by turning on this setting here Settings > Advanced > Google Product Review Feed > Review Feed Advanced Settings.

7. Invalid review_url

Hidden reviews in Judge.me dashboard will be marked as <is_spam>true</is_spam> but they will still appear in the review feed. For these reviews, the review_urls will be inaccessible because the reviews are not showing in your live store. 

If you don't want a review to show up in the review feed at all, please archive it in the Reviews dashboard. Archived reviews won't be included in the reviews feed.