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Upgrade to the Judge.me Awesome plan for Shopify development stores

  • You can upgrade to our Awesome plan ($15/month) for free if you are using a development store. 
  • Development stores can be created from your Shopify Partner Dashboard. If your store is a development store ("plan_name": "affiliate", "staff_business" or "partner_test"), you will see the notice You will not be billed for this test charge. 
  • Then you can upgrade your store for free by clicking Upgrade Now

What happens when you upgrade a development store to a Shopify paid plan?

  • If you upgrade your store to a Shopify paid plan, you need to activate the real charge ($15/month) to continue using the Judge.me Awesome plan. We'll send an email immediately after you upgrade your Shopify plan to notify you about this.
  • If you haven't activated the real charge within 48 hours, your Awesome plan will be downgraded to the Forever Free plan and all the Awesome settings will reset. We'll notify you about this downgrade via email, and you can always upgrade to the Awesome plan again.