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Judge.me allows you to import reviews from many reviews apps without having to change the CSV file as well as import reviews from AliExpress.

You can also import from an unsupported source with a CSV file following our template.

Step 1: Create the CSV file

Google Sheet is free, and compatible with most devices, and it saves the file as CSV without adding unsupported characters to the content.

Step 2: Add the reviews

Here's what each column means:

titleoptionaltitle of the review
bodyrequired, has a fallbackbody of the review (up to 5000 characters)
  • If the body is empty, we will use the review title instead. The title of this review will then be left blank.
  • If both the title and the body are empty, the import will fail.)
ratingrequiredthe review rating (1-5)
review_dateoptionalthe date the review was created (dd/mm/yyyy).
  • If the date is empty, the review will have the current date.
optionalname of the reviewer. If empty, "Anonymous" will be used.
optionalemail of the reviewer. If empty, a unique fake email will be used .
either is requiredYou just need to fill in either the product_id or product_handle

If both are empty, the reviews will be imported as shop reviews.

optionalthe public reply to the review
optionalURLs of the images in the review. 
  • Supported .png, .jpg, .If there is more than one picture, please separate the URLs by a comma (https://picture1, https://picture2).
  • We accept up to 5 pictures per review. If there are more than 5 URLs, we will only take the first 5.
ip_addressoptionalthe IP address of the review (e.g. We automatically calculate the location (city, country, country code) based on this IP address.

If you want to import answers for your customized questions in each review, please create additional columns in your CSV file with the header CFYour Question. We import custom forms as text only so we are unable to import multiple options.

Step 3: Upload the file to Judge.me

  • When you're done adding the reviews, download the sheet by going to File > Download > Comma Separated Value (.csv).
  • From your Judge.me admin, go to Import & Export > Import reviews > From Judge.me Template (Advanced)
  • Choose the file you've downloaded and click Import reviews.

Step 4: Review the results

We will process the file in the background and email you with the details regarding how many reviews have been imported, how many have failed, and the reason they failed.

You will see the successfully imported reviews in the reviews dashboard after a few minutes.

If you have duplicated imported reviews or want to delete all imported reviews, please contact us at support@judge.me and we'd be more than happy to help!