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With our custom email templates, you can create your email templates easily. You can drag and drop the blocks to your templates and customize them as you wish. This helps you save a lot of time and make your email templates more unique and attractive to the customers! In this article, you can learn more about the functions of each block in our new email templates editor:


  1. Layout blocks
  2. Content blocks
  3. Judge.me Review Request blocks
  4. Settings

To see real examples of email templates from Judge.me users, check our examples for inspiration page, as well as the blog article on 8 tips to create better email templates.

1. Layout blocks

  • Full width: one column that spreads out the full width of your email
  • 50% - 50%: two columns, each occupies 50% of the width of your email
  • 34% - 66%: two columns, the left column occupies 34%, the right column occupies 66% of the width of your email
  • 66% - 34%: two columns, the left column occupies 34%, the right column occupies 66% of the width of your email

When you drag a Layout block to the template, it will be a Text block by default, but you can add any types of Content blocks to the Layout.

2. Content blocks


  • This block lets you input text. You can use it to write the introduction part of your email or any text message you would like to send to the customers.
  • There are regular formatting options such as fonts, colors, bullet points, links, and so on.


  • This block lets you insert a picture. You can reuse a product image or upload it manually from a picture URL.
  • You can also adjust the picture width and insert alt text if necessary.


  • This block lets you insert a horizontal line to divide the parts of your email.
  • You can change the weight (in px), styles (solid, dashed,...) and color of your line.


  • This block lets you insert a space between parts of your email, normally to make them less condensed.
  • To adjust the Spacer Content (spacer height), you need to adjust the Top and Bottom padding in Block Settings.


  • This block lets you insert a button linked to your product page or anywhere you want.
  • You can customize the button text, button URL, text color, background color, and so on.
  • Tips: you can type {{ in the Button URL to see a drop-down of all available variables for that field.

3. Judge.me Review Request blocks


  • This block provides you with an in-email form for customers to review your products directly inside the email they receive from you. 
  • You can customize the title of the form, placeholder, button text, button background, star color and so on.

  • After customers submit reviews using the in-email form, their reviews will be automatically recorded into the dashboard. Then, they will be redirected to the product page with a message saying that “Your review has been successfully submitted. Thanks!”. From here, they can choose to edit any details or add more pictures using the Review Widget.


  • This block opens a step-by-step review form for a single product that asks customers to upload a picture or video first.
  • You can customize the star color.

Shop Review

  • This block allows customers to submit a shop review by linking them to the “write a review” form on the All Reviews Page.
  • You can customize the button text, button background, star color and so on.

Multi Product

  • This block allows you to add multiple products from your customers' orders that are ready to be reviewed. Each product includes an image, a title and a review button that links customers to the “write a review” form on that product page.
  • You can customize the block title, button text, picture size, button color, button background, and so on.


  • This block helps you with upselling by recommending products that your customers may like.
  • You can choose among 4 different ways to display your products: Bought Together, Top Sellers, Most Reviewed, or Random Selection.
  • You can also change the number of products, and other customization of text, images, and buttons.
  • A handpicked recommendations option will be available in the next version.


  • This block helps you add an unsubscribe link to your email templates.
  • You can edit the padding, margin, border, color, etc. of this block.

  • Please make sure to add an unsubscribe block (or an unsubscribe link using the {{ unsubscribe_href }} variable) in every email template. Otherwise, you can't save your email templates.

4. Settings

Block Settings

For every block, these are available settings:

  • Padding: adjust the space around your block content relative to the block border
  • Margin: adjust the distance of your block relative to the email template border
  • Border: add a border around your block (you can change the weight in px, style, and color of the border)
  • Border Radius: add a more rounded corner to your border
  • Color: change the text color in your block
  • Background Color: change the background color of your block
  • Align: adjust the text alignment in your block

Template Settings

For the Email Template as a whole, these are available settings:

  • Template Name: internal name of your Email Template
  • Preview Text: the small text that displays next to the Email Subject
  • Email Subject: The subject that customers will see when they receive your emails
  • Desktop Width: the width of your whole email body relative to the email background
  • Email Background: color of your email background
  • Content Background: color of your content background
  • Text Color: color of your text
  • Links Color: color of your links
  • Show Judge.me Branding: whether you would like to show “Powered by Judge.me” on the footer or not
  • Number of Emails for Orders with Multiple Products:
    • Send multiple emails, one email for each qualified product in the order
    • Send a single email, even if the order contains multiple products

For example:

  • If the order contains 4 products, you can choose to send 4 emails to your customers, in different sequences (most expensive, least expensive, random, least reviews) which can be adjusted in the Review Request settings). Otherwise, you can choose to send 1 single email with 4 products in the order. 
  • If you include BOTH the Form (Single Product) block and Multi-Product block in ONE template, the first line item in the sequence will be placed in Form block, and the other products will be placed in the Multi-Product block. If the order contains only one product, or you choose to send multiple emails including one single product, the Multi-Product block won't appear in the real emails.

*Note: Check Settings > Review Request to set up more conditions for your review request emails.