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A well-designed email will bring wonder to your conversion rate. If you just started, check out how to set up the review request emails and also our tips to create better email templates.

When you install Judge.me, we'll automatically grab your store logo to use in the default email templates. 

You can also upload your logo manually by going to Settings > Review requests > Email templates.

If you're using Shopify, you can upload an image by going to Shopify settings > Files > Upload files then copy the link there to use as the logo URL.

Choose an email template

Judge.me offers 4 default email templates, which are completely free to use. To see how they look and which template works best for you, check this example default templates.

On the Awesome plan, you can customize your own email template with drag-and-drop blocks.

To activate/deactivate a template, go to Requests > Email templates and simply click on the email you want.

Edit the subject line

The subject line is the first thing your customers see. With Judge.me, you can customize this subject line to match your brand's voice and increase the opening rate of the review request emails.

In each template, you can edit the subject line right at the beginning. And feel free to use our variables to make your subject more attractive.

Customize the email content

You can customize the color for the stars, buttons, links, and background to match your brand's color. You can find this near the bottom of the email template settings.

The Single review email template and Multi review email template share most of the styling components so when you edit 1 template, the change will be applied to the other template as well.

Test your email template

After you finish changing the template, you can preview it on mobile and desktop in the left window.

You can also send yourself an example email to see how it will look in real life, which will be sent to all admin emails.