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The main channel for collecting reviews with Judge.me is through the review request emails. We will schedule and send these requests automatically based on your settings.

In this article, we will show you how to change your review request settings. If you want to customize your email templates, check out our customization guide.

Add your sender email

By default, we will send the review requests using requests@judge.me. You can change this email and the sender name to match your business in Settings > Review Requests > Email Info.

Once you add the sender email, you can verify DKIM and Return-Path to maximize the success rate of the emails.

Unfortunately, our email provider Postmark can't verify email addresses from public domains like gmail.com and outlook.com.

Adjust the review request timing

With review requests, timing is crucial. You don't want to send it too soon and trigger frustration or wait too long and risk missing out on the initial excitement of a new product.

When considering the timing of your review request, keep in mind:

  • Your delivery time
  • The amount of time you believe customers need to form an opinion on your products

You can change your timing under Settings > Review Requests > Timing and Format > Request Timing. It can be from 0 to 60 days after the order is fulfilled (or completed).

You can also send the request at the same time as when the order is created or choose a specific hour to send it.

Blocklist specific customers, products, or orders

  • On the free plan, you can blocklist specific emails from receiving the requests by going to Settings > Review Requests > Conditions > Email blocklist.
  • On the Awesome plan, you'll be able to blocklist products, customers, and orders by tags. You can also exclude a product directly in the Products dashboard.

Set up an automatic reminder

Available on the Awesome plan

Many times, customers are happy to review your product, but they were busy or haven't had a chance to use the product yet when the first review request email arrived.

Judge.me allows you to send up to 3 emails to remind your customers to leave a review in Settings > Review Requests > Timing and Format > Automatic Reminders.

If you want to have a different template for the reminder, you can set up the email sequence.

Turn off the review request

To disable the review requests:

  • From Judge.me admin, go to Settings > Review Requests > Conditions > Enable Requests.
  • Disable the settings for Domestic orders and/or International orders.

Our conditions

  • If you refund any line items, or edit the order and remove the line items, we'll get a notification from Shopify and skip review requests for those line items. If you refund an order, you also need to restock for us to get the notification. 
  • We'll also skip review requests if customers submit an order return. In this case, we may need to ask for additional permissions to access your returned orders, if the permission wasn't granted during installation.
  • To avoid sending too many emails in a short period of time to one email, we won't send review requests to the same reviewer if he received a request in the last 7 days for different orders.
  • The submit link in each review request sent is only valid for 45 days. After that, you need to send a new review request, or reviewers can submit reviews from the reviewer's profile page.

Send SMS review requests

You can integrate with SMSBump or SMS & Whatsapp Flow ConvertWay to send SMS requests. If your customers only have phone numbers (no emails), we'll send SMS review requests to that number if SMS integration is enabled.