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Create new reviews

For advanced users that want to generate reviews outside of the Judge.me system, an API endpoint to create reviews is provided.

Note: There is no need to use the API. Our app, including review creation from our review widget form and review request in-email review form, works out of the gate without any special setup.

The API endpoint to create a new review is:

POST https://judge.me/reviews

Param NameRequiredParam Description
nameyesReviewer's display name
emailyesReviewer's email
ratingyesReview's rating (1..5)
titleyesReview's title (100 characters max)
bodyyesReview's body (5000 characters max)
idyesShopify ID of the product
product_titlenoTitle of the product
handlenoShopify handle of the product
urlyesCustom domain of the shop. You can use the returned value from document.domain. E.g. example.com
shop_domainoptionalShopify domain of the shop. E.g. shop-name.myshopify.com. We will only use this param if we cannot find your shop via url param.
picture_urlsnoURLs of pictures of the review, with JSON format. E.g. { "0": "https://example.com/1.jpg", "1": "https://example.com/2.jpg" }.


200 Status always: we process the review creation in our background server so we always respond with status 200 even if your request params are incorrect. But if your params are correct, most of the time, the review is created only a few seconds after you make the request.