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We have an API endpoint for advanced users that want to schedule review requests for non-Shopify orders. This API endpoint supports HTTP requests rather than adding manual requests via a CSV file.

The API endpoint is:

POST https://judge.me/api/orders/send_manual_review_request

Param NameRequiredParam Description
api_tokenyesThe token Judge.me provides. Please ask support@judge.me for the token
reviewer_nameyesname of the recipient
reviewer_emailyesemail of the recipient
shopify_product_idpartially requiredShopify ID of the purchased product (either shopify_product_id or product_handle is required)
product_handlepartially requiredhandle of the purchased product (either shopify_product_id or product_handle is required)
fulfilled_atyes(dd/mm/yyyy) date when the order was fulfilled. E.g. 04/05/2015 for May the 4th 2015
quantitynoquantity of the purchased product, we will set to 1 by default
processed_atno(dd/mm/yyyy) date for the request to be sent, if blank, we will calculate using fulfilled_at plus wait date in your settings. If processed_at is in the past, we will schedule a request email after 10 minutes


If a param is optional, please still provide its key and you can leave its value blank.

Finding product handle

The product handle is the last part of the product URL. For example, for www.yourshop.com/products/red-widget the product handle is red-widget.

Note: If a product URL has params, those params are not part of the handle. So for www.yourshop.com/products/red-widget?variant=1 the handle is still red-widget.

Finding Shopify product ID

To find the Shopify product ID of a product, do as follows:

  • Go to the Shopify products admin www.yourshop.com/admin/products
  • Open the product admin on the product you want to find the Shopify product ID for
  • The URL will now be www.yourshop.com/admin/products/123456789 with 123456789 being the Shopify product ID