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Do you know that Judge.me is available in 38 languages? Choose your desired language to make your widgets and emails more friendly to local customers.

1. Translating your Judge.me widgets

Use our default translations

  • Our app will automatically detect your shop’s language and set the default language for the widgets. If you want to change the language, go to  Settings > Review Request > Timing and Format > Language Info

Customize your widget text

Use translation apps

  • You can also translate your widgets using Weglot. We are integrated with Weglot so the translation is automatic, but you can still revise the translations and add your own version. 
  • We do not have an official integration with Langify. You can use this app to translate your store's pages and it should work in most cases. However, you may occasionally encounter some issues that we may not be able to help you with. Here are some tips to help you get Judge.me and Langify working correctly.

2. Translating your email templates

Use our default translations

When you change your app's default language in Language Info, not only your widgets but also your default email templates will be translated into your desired language. This feature is available on your Forever Free plan.

For example, if your app’s default language is Japanese, customers will receive Japanese emails.

Customize your email text 

You can customize all texts in the default email templates on the Forever Free plan. So you can use this option to input your preferred translations. Your customized translations will be prioritized over Judge.me default translations. If you are on the Awesome plan, you can build custom email templates with a drag-and-drop editor and freely customize your texts as well.

Send your review request emails in multiple languages

Another cool feature that you can get in our Awesome plan: send review request emails in multiple languages. You can use Multiple Language Emails in the custom email templates. Shopify will track the customer_locale of the fulfilled orders and send the right emails. 

For example, if your customers purchased the products from your French store, they will receive French emails; if they purchased the products one your Italian store, they will receive Italian emails.

3. Translating your admin dashboard

Judge.me admin dashboard is available in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German. To change your admin language:

  • Go to Settings > Advanced > Advanced Settings > Admin Language.
  • Choose the language from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Save settings.

4. Spotted a translation error in our default translations?

Feel free to contact our support if you have suggestions to improve our default translations. Please tell us which word or phrase is off, and what should be the correct ones. We appreciate it if you can give us a brief explanation of why the translation is wrong.

For example, to translate the word "review"/"opinion" to French, "avis" is a better word than "critique".