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If you've set up the Q&A widgets and want to re-use your existing content, you can import them using our CSV template with just 4 steps.

Step 1: Create the CSV file

Step 2: Fill in the questions and answers

Here's what each column in the file means:

question_idoptionalthe unique ID of each question
  • If provided, answers can be grouped together under one question
  • If you group several rows under one question_id, we'll take the question_content from the first row in that group.
requiredthe content of the question
  • Write "ok" to publish the question.
  • Write "spam" to hide the question.
  • If left blank, the question will be published automatically upon import.
sourceoptionalsource of the question
asker_emailoptionalemail of the person who asked the question
asker_nameoptionalname of the person who asked the question. If not provided, we will use "anonymous".
either is requiredYou just need to fill in either the product_id or product_handle.
question_dateoptional the date the question is created (dd/mm/yyyy). If not provided, the current date will be used.
answer_idoptionalthe unique ID of each answer
answer_contentoptionalthe content of the answer. If not provided, the question will be created without answers.
answerer_emailsemi-optionalemail of the person who answered the question. Need to be provided together with the answerer_name. If not, the shop name and email will be used instead.
answerer_namesemi-optionalname of the person who answered the question. Need to be provided together with the answerer_email. If not, the shop name and email will be used instead.
answer_dateoptionalthe date the answer is created (dd/mm/yyyy). If not provided, the current date will be used.

Step 4: Upload the file to Judge.me

  • When you've filled in the questions and answers, go to File > Download > Comma Separated Value (.csv) to download the file.

  • In Judge.me admin, click Manage Reviews > Reviews Dashboard > Import & Export > Import/Export Q&A > Import Q&A.
  • Select Direct as the Q&A Source.
  • Choose your CSV file then click Import Q&A.

Step 4: Review the results

We will process the file in the background and email you with the details on how many questions and answers were imported, how many failed, and why they failed to import.

You can see the imported questions and answers by going to Manage Reviews > Questions & Answers.