If you have an Etsy store, we suggest using Shuttle (formerly Etsify) to export your reviews from your Etsy store because exporting reviews is not possible on Etsy.

Step 1: Connect Shuttle to your Etsy shop

Step 2: Store Shopify SKUs

Shuttle transfers the reviews by matching SKUs of the review with SKUs of the products in Shopify. If the app finds a product with that same SKU in Shopify, Shuttle assigns the review to that product.

If you have transferred reviews from Etsy to Shopify before, please skip this step. Otherwise, please store Shopify SKUs before you start transferring reviews. You’ll find in the Overview page, Reviews page, and in the Account Page (Shops), a way to store your Shopify SKUs.

Step 3: Store your reviews in Shuttle

  • The first step in the process of transferring the reviews is to store them in Shuttle.

  • Once the reviews are stored in Shuttle, you can go through them, assign them to different products.

Step 4: Export reviews 

  • Once the reviews are stored, and you made sure they are assigned correctly - It’s time to export the reviews to a CSV file.
  • In the export settings, you will be able to select your product reviews app, select a minimum rating for your reviews, add custom content for reviews that has no content, and change the name of the reviewers.
  • After finish exporting the reviews, you can start importing this CSV file to Judge.me app.


  • If you want to keep the products made by Shuttle, you don’t have to adjust anything in the file and just import it to Judge.me right away.
  • If you don’t want to keep the products made by Shuttle but want to have your own, if the product IDs are different, please make sure that you change the data in the product_id column to match that with your Shopify’s products.

For the review pictures, Etsy does not provide access to the picture URLs so you can't export them with the Shuttle app. However, you have two ways around to add review pictures:

  1. Adding the images from Shuttle admin panel manually after they are stored. To do so, simply go to the Reviews page, scroll to the review you'd like to add an image to, and click on the 'Add Image' button. 
  2. Add the images manually in the CSV file by adding the picture_urls column. Feel free to contact our support if you need any assistance.