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Available on the Awesome plan 

With Judge.me, you can create product groups to share reviews between products. Reviews for grouped products will show up on all product pages within the group.

When to use product groups

You can consider grouping your products if they are:

  • Variants of one product but all have unique product URLs (e.g. green and red socks).
  • Products with the same functionalities (e.g. remote-controlled car and remote-controlled truck).
  • Off-season products that are not on sale anymore and replaced by a new seasonal product (e.g. winter fashion).
  • Out-of-store products that are replaced by a similar or upgraded version.

Create product groups manually

  • In Judge.me admin, choose Manage reviews > Products & Groups.
  • Choose Manage groups
  • Enter the group title and click Add new group.
  • Go back to Products and start adding products to the group.

Create product groups with automation

You can group products in bulk via vendor, product type, or product tag (For WooCommerce stores, only two options are available: vendor or product tags).

These automated groups are updated daily. New products with the same attribute as the automation will be automatically added to the groups (except WooCommerce and BigCommerce unfortunately).

To use this option, please contact our support team via chat or support@judge.me and we'll be happy to assist!

Keep in mind

  • Each product can only belong to 1 group.
  • Out-of-store products can also be grouped.
  • It might take a while for the changes to be updated across Product Groups.
  • Each product group can have up to 10,000 products. 
  • However, when grouping products manually, we trigger the update for the first 25 products only. From the 26th product, the widgets will be updated when there is a new review or when a review is published/hidden for any of the group's products.

If you have multiple stores selling the same products, check out cross-shop synchronization instead.