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Available on the Awesome plan

Offering coupons is a great way to encourage customers to write a review and share their experiences. It also helps turn a first-time buyer into a return customer.

With Judge.me, you can set up a flow to generate and send these coupons automatically after your customers leave a review.

Step 1: Enable coupons

  • In Judge.me admin, go to Settings > Rewards > Coupon Settings.
  • Enable coupons.
  • Add details for your coupons (optional).
  • Click Save settings.

Step 2: Add coupon details to your review request

You can then add the coupon details directly to your email content at Requests > Email templates or just use this variable {{ coupon_details }} in your email template.

By letting your customers know in the review request that they will get a coupon when they leave a review, they will be more incentivized to do so. Please also note that customers will receive 1 coupon for each qualified review.

Step 3: Set up your coupon

For Judge.me-generated coupons

If you're using Shopify, Judge.me can generate the discounts automatically for you. These discounts will show in your Shopify's Discounts dashboard as PriceRule-...

Each discount can have multiple coupon codes, which we will send to the reviewers.

To see the coupon code and discount code in Judge.me:

  • Go to Reviews > Reviews dashboard.
  • Choose a review you want.
  • Click the 3-dot icon > View more.

If the review is qualified for a coupon, you'll see this screen:

For the discount rules, we've already set up the conditions by default. 

  • If you want to customize them, go to Settings > Rewards > Review Coupons.
  • If you don't want to customize them, you can skip this step.
Generated coupon code
Enter a suffix for your coupon.
Coupon discount valueChoose discount by a percentage or a fixed amount

Minimum purchase requirements

Specify a minimum order amount before the code can be used (Minimum purchase amount or Minimum quantity of items)
Customer eligibility
  • When OFF: Anyone can use the coupon.
  • When ON: Only the reviewer can use the coupon (If no email in your Shopify customer list matches the email in the review, we will make the coupon available for anyone instead).
Use per customer
  • When OFF: No usage limit
  • When ON: One use per customer
Usage limits
  • When OFF: No usage limit
  • When ON: You can set up the number of times each code can be used in total.
Coupon validity
  • When OFF: Coupon can be used forever.
  • When ON: Coupon can only be used for a period of time.
Reminder email
  • When OFF: We won't send a coupon reminder email.
  • When ON: We will send a reminder email n days before the coupon expires.

For external codes

If you're on other platforms, or you're on Shopify but want to set up your own discount, you can create the discount in your platform and add the code in Judge.me admin > Settings > Rewards > Coupon Code (external codes).

To see the difference between static and dynamic coupons and how to upload dynamic coupons, please check this Static coupon and Dynamic coupon article.

Step 4: Set up the reward conditions

You can set up reward conditions in Judge.me admin > Settings > Rewards > Reward Conditions

Only when a review meets all these 3 conditions (for the reviewer, the review, and the ratings) will a coupon be created.

Reviewer Conditions

any reviewerAny reviewer can receive a coupon
verified buyers onlyOnly if the reviewer is a verified buyer
buyers of the reviewed product onlyOnly if the email address in the review has been used to order the product.
reviewers requested by Judge.meOnly if the reviewer comes from Judge.me review requests (review source = email/PushOwl/SMS)

Review Conditions and Minimum rating

You can choose among these conditions to make sure a review is qualified:

  • any review    
  • any review with title and body filled in
  • any review with at least one photo or video
  • any review with at least one video

You can also set the minimum rating (1 to 5 stars) to be eligible for a reward.

Step 5. Customize the coupon email

When all conditions are met, we will send the reviewer the coupon code via email. To edit this email, go to Settings > Rewards > Coupon Email.

You can customize your coupon emails in multiple languages, just follow these steps:

  • Follow this guide to published translated languages in Shopify and enable the multiple language emails in Judge.me
  • In Coupon Email settings, choose the language you want to edit from the drop-down menu and customize the email content below.