What are Product Listing Ads / Google Shopping Ads?

Product Listing Ads will show on top of the normal Google search results or on the top-right next to search results. The ads consist of a product image and a link to the product page. They are shown based on products the user is searching for (instead of keywords as in Google AdWords). Product Listing Ads are pay-per-click ads that are managed through AdWords.

Judge.me can help you showcase your product reviews in the Product Listings Ads / Google Shopping Ads by creating a Product Reviews feed that you can upload to your Google Merchant Center. Learn how to generate the reviews feed here.

Example of Google Shopping Ad

The screenshot below shows product reviews attached to the products of our client Newmen in Product Listings Ads for a specific product search.

The screenshot below shows product reviews attached to the products of our client Newmen in Product Listings Ads for a general product search.