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Want to make your products stand out from the Google search results? Why not add the SEO rich snippets for product reviews now? This article will show you how to enable the SEO rich snippets in your review app. 


  1. What are SEO rich snippets (review snippet)?
  2. How to enable the SEO rich snippets?

1. What are SEO rich snippets (review snippet)?

According to Google Shopping: "A review snippet is a short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from many reviewers. When Google finds valid reviews or rating markup, we may show a rich snippet that includes stars and other summary info from reviews or ratings. In addition to the text of the review, a rating is an evaluation described on a numeric scale (such as 1 to 5)."

SEO Rich Snippets will show a graphical star rating, the aggregated rating, and the number of reviews/ratings, for example:

2. How to enable the SEO rich snippets?

To enable the SEO Rich Snippets, from your admin dashboard, go to Settings > Advanced > Rich Snippets.

  • SEO Rich Snippets will be added automatically to your review widget, you can click Verify to preview the snippet.