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You can customize the message to be shared on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as you want. We provide many variables that will be matched with your real data:

  • {{ reviewer_first_name }}, example: John
  • {{ reviewer_name }}, example: John Smith
  • {{ review_rating_emoji }}, the number of stars displayed as an emoji, example: ☆☆☆☆
  • {{ review_rating }}, the rating as a number, example: 4
  • {{ review_title }}, the review title
  • {{ review_body }}, the review body
  • {{ product_url }}, the URL of the respective product

Facebook Push Template

You can customize the message to be shared on Facebook in the Facebook Push Template section.

  • If your reviews contain review photos, you have two options: (1) push a random review photo and (2) push the product image instead. We'll use option (1) by default.
  • If your reviews contain only text, we'll push the product image. In the case of text-only store reviews that are not associated with any product images, only review content as text can be pushed to Facebook.

Open graph on Facebook

If you share a review without a photo but including a URL, Facebook will utilize its 'Open Graph', and post the photo it detects as the main one on your product page.

To make sure it works properly, your product page needs to provide metadata by using the tags in your theme.liquid layout file as follows:

<meta property="og:image" content="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'original' }}" />

You can check your metadata with Facebook's Sharing Debugger Tool by inserting your product URL, and read more about the tags you need (og:image, og:image:width, og:image:height)

Further references: 

Instagram Push Template

  • Instagram doesn't allow users to copy or click on links in the captions or comments of a post. We recommend you to direct users to your bio page. From there people will be able to click on your store's URL.
  • You can customize the message to be shared on Instagram in the Instagram Push Template section.
    • If your reviews contain review photos, you have two options: (1) push a random review photo and (2) push the product image instead. We'll use option (1) by default.
    • If your reviews contain only text, we'll push the product image. In the case of text-only store reviews that are not associated with any product images, your reviews can't be pushed to Instagram.

Twitter Push Template

When you share a review on Twitter, the character limit is 280. When your review is written in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, the character limit is 140.