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Gmail clipping issue

Gmail will clip content and if the HTML file size over 102 Kb. For that, Gmail sums up emails with the same subject lines (conversations). If the email is part of a longer email conversation (e.g. because several test emails have been sent) parts of the email might be clipped.

Adjust schedule time for orders that are first canceled but then fulfilled

With our current logic of scheduling emails, we cannot change the processing date after it’s scheduled. The issue can be solved manually by manually sending the Review Request Email.

Our Review Request Emails (RRE) are sent as follows:

  1. An order is fulfilled, we process, predict, and schedule to send RRE.
  2. Shop cancels the order before we send emails for this order. Our dashboard updates the status of line items of the order to Will skip: cancelled fulfillments. The order is still not processed yet.
  3. Shop fulfill orders again on a different day. Our dashboard assumes the order is fulfilled now so the status is changed to Will send on xxx, without updating the new processing date.

Multi Review Request Email Template doesn't contain the shop level review request

We will only send a request for normally scheduled review requests, but not for forced sending via the Request Dashboard or Manual CSV upload. Also, make sure that you have enabled the Shop Review feature inside the Multi Review Email Template.

Email Status: Will skip: no customer email found

If your buyers don't provide an email (e.g. because the buyer used a phone number instead of email during checkout, or buyer information were imported) we will generate an email with the following format: fulfilled_firstname_lastname@example.com. No review requests will be sent for these buyers.