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What are verified reviews?

  • Judge.me verifies reviews automatically based on the order history of our e-commerce platform partners (Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Squarespace). If the reviews are not associated with existing orders (e.g. coming directly from merchants’ websites), stores can request manual verification by submitting evidence of orders.
  • A verified buyer badge is added after the review is verified by Judge.me to inform the consumers that this review comes from a buyer of the store. The badge may be translated and customized, but cannot be added by the merchants themselves.

Can web reviews and imported reviews be verified?

Web reviews

Web reviews (reviews submitted on your web store, not through a review request email) are not automatically marked as verified reviews although they may come from verified buyers. If those reviewers are from verified buyers, we'll send them a verification email, then they need to click on the link in this email to verify their reviews. Verification emails are sent to reviewers in three cases:

  • If the reviewer has orders (in any shop).
  • If the reviewer has logged in to the user profile.
  • If the reviewer has buyer-verified reviews (in any shop).

In case consumers miss or disregard the verification email, you can provide us with evidence of orders. Our team will check and verify the web reviews manually for you.


When a reviewer submits a web review, that information will be added to the customer data Shopify shares with us. You can find this data in the Customers section in your Shopify admin.

Imported reviews

  • Your imported reviews are not automatically verified. Please contact support@judge.me if you import reviews from a verified source (like from another store you own). We will manually verify the reviews as long as you can provide evidence (e.g. showing screenshots of the order history from your other store).
  • Reviews imported from AliExpress do not fall under the category of verified reviews because we cannot determine their original source (the reviewer did not make an order from your store).

Add a Verified Reviews Count Badge

You can add a Verified Reviews Count Badge once you have collected 20 verified reviews.

Go to Settings > Other Widgets > Verified Reviews Count Badge > Verified Reviews Count Badge Installation. Then turn on the bar and we'll install the badge for you.