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Reviews Carousel is a slider of reviews that you can place at key conversion points throughout your store. It's a great way to feature reviews on many stages along the buyer journey, for example, on your homepage, blog, or landing pages.

How it looks

Currently, you can choose from these 6 themes for your carousel:

Compact no pictures
Compact with pictures
Cards style
Vertical sliding
Focused view

To change the carousel theme:

  • From your Judge.me admin, go to Settings > Other widgets > Reviews Carousel.
  • Scroll down to Carousel Themes.

Depending on your e-commerce platform and page builder, the installation steps might vary.

Feature reviews

By default, the Reviews Carousel will automatically feature at least 1 and at most 15 of your newest 5-star reviews.

To feature the reviews manually:

  • From your Judge.me admin, go to Settings > Other widgets > Review Carousel Installation.
  • In How to feature review, select Manual and click Save.

  • Next, go to Manage Reviews.
  • Next to the reviews you want to feature, click the "heart" icon. 

You can customize the carousel header by changing the Carousel Title and the Summary Text, which will appear below the stars ★★★★★.

You have various options to customize your Reviews Carousel even further, such as:

  • Change the background color
  • Change the number of items on large screens
  • Adjust the height, width, and auto-slide interval
  • Choose whether or not to show the review rating, review title, review body, etc.

You can also change the color of the slider arrows as you wish.

If your shop already has custom CSS code, applying a new carousel theme might cause some formatting issues. If that happens to you, you should remove the CSS code, you can contact our Customer Support Team at support@judge.me for further help if you need it.

Reviews Carousel doesn't work for reviews that are shared using Cross-Shop Syndication.